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Which bird laid those eggs?

4 years ago Lucy Willans

Hello Lucy,

We've been looking at eggs in the nest in your back garden and we have some ideas for you I think some blackbirds eggs and they usually take 2 weeks to hatch. Charlie thinks they are starlings eggs which hatch in 12 days good luck!

We've been looking outside and we have seen robins, hundreds of pheasants, blue tits, sparrows, goldfinch, blackbirds, seagulls, pigeons and more...

Missing forest school.

Love Millie and Charlie

Thank you for your ideas Millie and Charlie.  We look forward to being back in the woods with all of you, and we are missing the fun too. However, It is good to know that while we are away from the woods the wildlife will enjoy the peace and quiet, and the grass and other woodland ground cover plants will have an opportunity to grow and spread. All of this will make it a very exciting place to be when we start forest school again. We might even find that some new types of wildlife has moved in, that we haven't ever seen there before! 

All the best,

Lucy, Jayne and Rebecca.

Lucy Willans
Lucy Willans