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The World War Two garden - getting started

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  • The World War Two garden - getting started
4 years ago Lucy Willans

Two of our volunteers, Moirag and her husband Mike, have made a start on our WW2 garden at the weekend. They have removed an old brick planter and started to dig over the existing beds. Thank you both, for working so hard on such a very hot day.

A friendly slow worm

During the gardening Moirag and Mike found a slow worm. These are harmless reptiles - a type of legless lizard. They help us in the garden by eating the slugs. Slow worms are protected by law so you aren't allowed to sell them, injure them or kill them. Don't try to keep one you find as a pet.

Slow worms can live for up to 20 years and hibernate between approximately October to March. This one was gently moved to a safer spot and slowly wriggled off into the undergrowth. We are very lucky to have slow worms at the school, and must be careful not to hurt them.

Designing the garden

Watch the video below to find out about how you can get involved in designing the garden and helping to make a really happy home for the chickens. Send your ideas and garden designs to

Lucy Willans
Lucy Willans